Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 (in thousand of dollars)

Support and Revenue
City of New York $68,399
State of New York 6,097
United States of America 2,316
Contributions (from individuals, corporations
and foundations, including promises to give) 1,064
Fines and Fees 2,676
Income from Investments 1,204
Use of Contributed Facilities 13,964
Use of Contributed Services 119
Other 235
Total Support & Revenue $96,074

Wages and Fringe Benefits $58,074
Books and Other Library Materials 10,317
Programs (contracted program services and exhibits) 363
Information Technology 1,609
Building Maintenance and Renovations 1,382
Telecommunications 1,286
Building Leases 909
Contractual Services 3,050
Supplies, Equipment and Furniture 1,450
Use of Contributed Facilities 13,964
Use of Contributed Services 119
Other 1,867
Total expenses $94,390