Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 (in thousand of dollars)

Support and Revenue
City of New York - $61,208
State of New York - 6,164
United States of America - 1,841
Contributions (from individuals, corporations and foundations, including promises to give) - 194
Fines and Fees - 2,947
Income from Investments - 955
Use of Contributed Facilities - 13,186
Use of Contributed Services - 328
Other - 229
Total Support & Revenue - $87,052

Wages and Fringe Benefits - 52,796
Books and Other Library Materials - 9,489
Programs (contracted program services and exhibits) - 397
Information Technology - 1,614
Building Maintenance and Renovations - 1,155
Telecommunications - 1,150
Building Leases - 925
Contractual Services - 2,358
Supplies, Equipment and Furniture - 1,412
Use of Contributed Facilities - 13,186
Use of Contributed Services - 328
Other - 1,259
Total Expenses - $86,069