Summer Haze

And last, but certainly not least: meet Summer Haze, the final contestants in the 2nd Annual Battle of the Bands.  Summer Haze finds inspiration in the punk and hard rock legends that changed the musical landscape forever. A four-piece band with eardrum-busting powers and a knack for getting even the most stubborn wallflowers to dance, Summer Haze pride themselves on being versatile rock menaces. Their output reflects this diverse thinking, too, covering everything from club bangers to war hero tributes in the space of minutes.

Based out of Long Island, the band is a dedicated project from lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter Jack “The Yak” Turner, lead guitarist Clark “The Pope” Adomaitis, lead bass guitarist “Skim” Tim Cartmell, and lead drummer/percussionist Evan “The Rapper” Declemente.

Summer Haze: welcome to the competition—we can’t wait to see you go for glory this Thursday!

Get your free tickets to the 2nd Annual Battle of the Bands today!

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