
Sweating can be a physical problem—for some it may be difficult to sweat due to a medical condition called anhidrosis, for others perspiration can be uncomfortable and embarrassing especially when you’re the one who tends to perspire more than others and for women it can be one of the many symptoms of the M-word known as menopause—and a mental problem, as in sweating the small stuff. Are you a worrier? There’s an book titled Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson, the ideal guide for assisting those among us who tend to sweat the small stuff and for those who want to continue not sweating the small stuff.

This book is broken down into brief chapters pertaining to the simple things in life and the not so simple things in life that can have us breaking a sweat. After reading this book in its simplistic format, I’ve learned how not to sweat the small stuff. In one of the chapters Carlson advises not to sweat the idea of having a totally empty “inbox” because the fact of the matter is when we die our inboxes will be full. In the same way when you drive, no matter how fast you drive and no matter how many cars you pass, there will always be a car ahead of you. So why sweat it? There’s no need, Carlson assures us. Carlson also brings out a good point for us working people who commute in our vehicles, he suggest pulling over for a few minutes to release the weight of the day, so when you arrive home you’ll be free of excess baggage and the weight of the day that could otherwise cause an evening at home to short circuit. Now for those who rely on public transportation—many of us here in Queens—the same can apply just by allowing yourself to shift gears mentally by reading a book, listening to music or just by mentally releasing the day, freeing up your brainpower and energy for your evening agenda. Do this, and soon you’ll be on your way to living the life of “not sweating the small stuff” and remember it is all small stuff.