Rover is a well-loved sheep dog who has a nice big doghouse all to himself.It is a beautiful day but instead of playing, he is chewing on a bone. He is bored and wants someone to play with.However, Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate because all of a sudden a storm blows in.Rover is very disappointed.With that the refrain starts, “Rover’s in the doghouse, sleeping through the storm. . . Then a succession of animals, beginning with a cat, look for shelter.They tell him, “Move over, Rover!”As the doghouse gets more crowded, the illustrations start to show uncomfortable animals, squeezed in with not enough room for a pea.The kids will love hearing this book read to them over and over again and will enjoy the appearance of the skunk as well as the familiar refrain of “move over, Rover!” The rhyming text is great for a read-aloud.The illustrations capture the storyline perfectly.Check out Ms. Beaumont’s other great books, including: I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More; I Like Myself; Doggone Dogs! and Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?